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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



2.5.0 – 2024-08-14#


  • UI Dialog+ Improvements: Add “Select all” Checkbox to MV Dialog+ Modal (ID2-2495)
  • Update and maintenance information: Show public messages on login to docupike (ID2-5129)
  • User Management: Manage users of existing user group (ID2-4988)
  • User Management: Manage role on a user details page (ID2-4992)


  • Development/maintenance: Support PHP 8.3 for docupike (ID2-4536)
  • Location view: Show all objects in All objects of Location view (ID2-5018)
  • Location view: Add badge information to container objects in location tree with number of included objects (ID2-4944)
  • Update React to v18: Update "react-router-dom" to v6 (ID2-3057)
  • User Management: Manage user groups on a user details page (ID2-4989)


  • Category Builder: Fix updating options of properties (ID2-5117)
  • Development/maintenance: Messenger ram usage too high (ID2-5125)
  • Object ranking: Set last change when archiving object (ID2-5042)
  • Servereye integration: Deletion of object with many entries leads to errors (ID2-5163)
  • Setup/update: Fix update of the instances with dependent entries (ID2-5166)

2.4.0 – 2024-05-27#


  • Condition Builder: Add an inline Condition builder to reports edit page (ID2-5050)
  • Condition Builder: Add "Quick filter" to Add conditions block of reports (ID2-5049)
  • Documentation of software and installations: Add documentation for software/OS classes (ID2-5096)
  • Reports can be shared: Implement Export Report as CSV API (ID2-4958)
  • Reports can be shared: Export Reports as CSV (ID2-4905)
  • User Management: Manage users of existing role (ID2-4991)


  • User Management: Add multiple users to a role when creating a role (ID2-4990)


  • API: TextApi fails when request criteria contains not existing category (ID2-5017)
  • CMDB configuration: Usage details shows "no access" banner in case when user has tenant access (ID2-4844)
  • Improvements of IP networking: Adjust Category Domain do not change order of hidden attributes on category update (ID2-4984)
  • Multi-Tenancy: Fix unassignment of users on deletion of tenant (ID2-5092)
  • Reports Main Feature: Show error notification on saving report with errors (ID2-5130)

2.3.3 – 2024-04-29#


  • Setup/update: Fix creation of custom properties on docupike update (ID2-5119)

2.3.2 – 2024-03-28#


  • Setup/update: Update should fail on failing update models (ID2-5091)

2.3.1 – 2024-03-25#


  • CMDB configuration: Use url parameter to select the class on CMDB manage class page (ID2-5004)
  • Edit: Check missing categories when changing class (ID2-4886)


  • CMDB configuration: Change icon of class "City" (ID2-4939)
  • Create Entry: Place "Number of entries" on the bottom of the add entry modals (ID2-4928)
  • Create Entry: Make multi-creation of category entries configurable (ID2-4950)
  • Documents creator: Support like operation for SingleSelect, Dialog+, MultiDialog+, ObjectBrowser, MultiObjectBrowser fields (ID2-5048)
  • Edit: Change class of one or more objects (ID2-4881)
  • Edit: Change class for an object on the object details page (ID2-4882)
  • Edit: Disable inline editing of class (ID2-5003)
  • Improvements of IP networking: Swap IP Address and Network in IP network category (ID2-4924)
  • Improvements of IP networking: Add additional information in IP Address Browser (ID2-4933)
  • Improvements of IP networking: Manage DHCP Scopes on network details page (ID2-4935)
  • IPAM - Edit Object Assignment / IP List: Show user the next free IP address in a masked way (ID2-4266)
  • Navigation: Add collection pulldown to finder (ID2-4923)
  • Object search and filter: Use single select combobox for filters with single selection (ID2-5035)
  • Reports can be shared: Adjust layout of Report overview page (ID2-4961)
  • Reports can be shared: Adjust layout of Report details page (ID2-4962)


  • API: Support "Not supported" attribute types for object text API (ID2-4985)
  • Class and attribute favorites: The hint is overlapped with the pagination in ODP Favorites (ID2-4776)
  • docupike GDPR Add-on: Fix handling of assigning an empty process to organization (ID2-5051)
  • Improvements of IP networking: Fix handling of "Select next free IP address" after changes in IP networking category (ID2-4930)
  • IPAM - Network Overview: Correct network usage percentage wording (ID2-4100)
  • Metrics of users are collected: Fix creation of sessions by async batch with API key (ID2-5012)
  • Rights and permissions: Allow the user to save objects in the location permission (ID2-4771)

2.3.0 – 2024-02-05#


  • Documents creator: Add "Custom Table" section to chapter (ID2-4815)
  • Documents creator: Show scheduled mailings of the selected document (ID2-4826)
  • Documents creator: Open/Access documents creator feature (ID2-4845)
  • Documents creator: Provide onboarding for new users (ID2-4869)
  • Documents creator: Rights to manage documents (ID2-4871)
  • Documents creator: Provide object text API (ID2-4880)
  • Documents creator: Create automation domain (ID2-4884)


  • Create Entry: Change order of attributes in CPU New Entry Modal (ID2-4929)
  • Documents creator: Extract the Condition Selector from the Report conditions modal (ID2-4878)
  • Improvements of IP networking: Make IP Ranges more understandable on Network Details Page (ID2-4941)
  • Location view: Adjust sorting in location table to always show container objects on top (ID2-4946)
  • Product plans and feature sets: Improve Manage plan page (ID2-4983)
  • Reports UI is improved: Add "select all" to attribute selector (ID2-4794)


  • CMDB CRUD: Fix missing creator of CI objects (ID2-4910)
  • Documents creator: Prevent unfocusing searchbox in attribute selector (ID2-4914)
  • Multi-Tenancy: Sync tenants in selector on assigning/unassigning tenants (ID2-4888)
  • Object browser: Show new object in object browser (ID2-4873)

2.2.1 – 2024-01-26#


  • Scalable SaaS services: Improve performance of references (ID2-4964)

2.2.0 – 2023-12-18#


  • Add-ons: Be able to define Add-on rights in add-on (ID2-4801)
  • CMDB configuration: Show usage of classes through tenants in CMDB settings (ID2-4761)
  • CMDB configuration: Show usage of categories through tenants in CMDB settings (ID2-4762)
  • Metrics of users are collected: Expose metrics about objects per class (ID2-2874)
  • Metrics of users are collected: Expose metrics about events per categories (ID2-2876)
  • Metrics of users are collected: Expose metrics about users (ID2-2877)


  • CMDB configuration: Adjust usage details for classes/categories to use tabs (ID2-4792)
  • CQRS: Add category information to entry events (ID2-4780)
  • Documents creator: Extract the Attribute Selector from Report attributes (ID2-4875)
  • Edit: Enable user always to be able to Save on Edit objects page (ID2-4713)
  • Edit: Preselect all objects in edit mask (ID2-4752)
  • Multi-Tenancy: See assigned tenants on user details page (ID2-4784)
  • Multi-Tenancy: Change default tenant on user details page (ID2-4786)
  • Multi-Tenancy: Unassign tenant(s) from user (ID2-4787)


  • Add-ons: Use actual state of the routes provided by add-ons (ID2-4866)
  • API: Do not keep persistent session for API-token requests (ID2-4774)
  • Categories and attributes: Allow to enter values in boolean fields (ID2-4803)
  • Multi-Tenancy: Fix scrolling of tenant selector (ID2-4766)
  • Multi-Tenancy: Deleting default tenant leads to no tenants (ID2-4769)
  • UI form fields: Allow to set time for custom datetime attribute (ID2-4841)
  • UI replace table component: Use backend sorting for permissions table (ID2-4781)

2.1.0 – 2023-10-27#


  • API: Create async batch API to perform requests via messenger (ID2-4773)
  • Create Entry: Enable user to create multiple MV entries at once (ID2-4621)
  • Duplication of MV entries: Enable user to duplicate MV entries in Finder (ID2-4659)
  • Duplication of MV entries: Enable user to duplicate MV entries on Edit page (ID2-4661)


  • UI replace table component: Use UI-kit table in Roles (ID2-4618)
  • UI replace table component: Use UI-kit table in Rights (ID2-4619)
  • UI replace table component: Use UI-kit table in Permissions (ID2-4620)


  • CMDB CRUD: Emit entry data set events only if something has changed (ID2-4770)
  • Finder: Prevent opening multiple context menus in finder (ID2-4692)
  • Finder: Fix double loading of the finder results (ID2-4707)
  • Multi-Tenancy: Fix tenant migration to not update removed users (ID2-4759)
  • Rights and permissions: Clean up rights on removal users/roles/groups (ID2-4767)

2.0.1 – 2023-10-17#


  • Multi-Tenancy: Fix tenant migration to not update removed users (ID2-4759)

2.0.0 – 2023-09-26#


  • Create Entry: Enable user to add new MV entry in Finder (ID2-4655)
  • Inline editing: Show additional actions of the control on hover (ID2-4656)
  • Multi-Tenancy: Create tenant overview table in settings area (ID2-4562)
  • Multi-Tenancy: Implement create tenant on manage tenants page (ID2-4565)
  • Multi-Tenancy: Add possibility to assign tenant(s) while creating user (ID2-4573)
  • Onboarding wizard for new users: Create an on-boarding journey for finder (ID2-4585)
  • Onboarding wizard for new users: Create an on-boarding journey for Object Details Page (ID2-4586)
  • Onboarding wizard for new users: Create an on-boarding journey for Report (ID2-4587)
  • Onboarding wizard for new users: Create an on-boarding journey for Settings (ID2-4588)
  • Onboarding wizard for new users: Create a general introduction (ID2-4589)
  • Onboarding wizard for new users: Create a general outro (ID2-4590)
  • Onboarding wizard for new users: Open Help-Center (ID2-4591)


  • Duplicate objects: Allow user to duplicate object in finder (ID2-4716)
  • UI components: Select whole text when user focuses combobox (ID2-4644)


  • IPAM - Manage IP Address Table: Add missing open object button in IP table (ID2-4696)
  • Object browser: Show assigned classes in the object browser, even if no object of the class exists (ID2-4604)
  • Reports Main Feature: Fix loading data on report view (ID2-4700)
  • Settings: Fix retrieving user settings (ID2-4611)

1.1.0 – 2023-09-08#


  • Add-ons: Add general loading state for loading add-on resources (ID2-4504)
  • Add-ons: Allow add-ons to register docupike widgets (ID2-4624)
  • Object browser: Add combobox to object browser (ID2-4505)
  • Object browser: Enable user to add new object in Object Browser (ID2-4515)
  • Settings: Add Help section to menu (ID2-3806)
  • UI form fields: Allow user to resize textarea fields (ID2-4525)


  • IPAM - Network Overview: Show network statistic for network itself or underlying networks (ID2-4204)
  • IPAM - Network Overview: Improve visual grouping of network page (ID2-4500)
  • UT 20210317 Find, Create, Connect: Implement Attribute Search on Object Details Page (ID2-3393)
  • UT - 20220321 Create and Connect Infrastructure: Make empty table state dynamic in finder (ID2-3385)


  • Categories and attributes: Correctly calculate overall costs per period for assigned objects (ID2-4078)
  • IPAM - Bugfixing: Add open object button to IP networking category (ID2-4110)
  • IPAM - Bugfixing: Fix and adjust colors in IPAM Map (ID2-4142)
  • Object details: Fix losing selected category on Object details page after reloading the page (ID2-4583)
  • Object search and filter: Fix search for categories and attributes on Object details page (ID2-4498)
  • Object search and filter: Clean up search index when object is removed (ID2-4499)
  • Reports Main Feature: Show only selected attributes in create/edit report modal (ID2-4002)
  • Settings: Fix retrieving user settings (ID2-4611)
  • UT 20220530 Find / create / connect objects: Avoid endless loop in search of object browser (ID2-4130)

1.0.7 – 2023-07-07#


  • Add-ons: Add general loading state for loading add-on resources (ID2-4504)
  • Settings: Add Help section to menu (ID2-3806)


  • UI buttons: Allow user to click open object button (ID2-4528)
  • UI Dialog+ Improvements: Show error message when user fills dialog plus field with more than 500 chars (ID2-4527)

1.0.6 – 2023-05-24#


  • Add-ons: Create an Add-on menu group (ID2-4435)


  • UI replace table component: Refactor the current table footer pagination in the application with the table Pagination from the UI-Kit (ID2-4034)


  • Categories and attributes: Allow user to edit date fields (ID2-4432)
  • IPAM - Adding network: Do not create object when network creation fails (ID2-4427)
  • Product plans and feature sets: Remove obsolete upgrade banners (ID2-4447)
  • QA Launch-check: Allow user to select first and last possible date in range (ID2-3876)
  • Rights and permissions: Allow limited user to create objects in class (ID2-4431)
  • UI buttons: Fix radio selector position in single object browser (ID2-4329)
  • User Management: Remove API tokens when removing User (ID2-4415)
  • Validation options for custom attributes: Reset error state in multi-value table when field value is edited (ID2-4375)
  • Validation options in category builder: Do not move general validations to the bottom (ID2-4370)
  • Validation options in category builder: Keep user defined "greater/smaller than" values after saving (ID2-4372)

1.0.5 – 2023-04-26#


  • Product Plans and Feature Sets: Remove "Basic" plan from tariffs (ID2-4404)


  • Add-ons: Do not allow user to license add-on when mailer DSN is not set (ID2-4347)
  • Category Builder: Limit and shorten category names (ID2-4399)
  • Inline editing: Do not re-open inline edit when submitting with enter key (ID2-4263)
  • IPAM - Bugfixing: Fix missing banner on "New Ipv{4,6}" entry modal for networks (ID2-4389)
  • IPAM - Object CRUD: Do not redirect to Finder after deleting last subnetwork entry (ID2-4108)
  • IPAM - Object CRUD: Allow user to remove network during IP address creation (ID2-4109)
  • UI Dialog+ Improvements: Refactor single select dialog+ options modal (ID2-4356)
  • UI Form Field Pulldown: Allow user to save longer values in pulldown fields (ID2-4361)

1.0.4 – 2023-04-19#


  • Category Builder: Inform User about unsaved changes in category builder (ID2-4350)
  • CSV Import (Fixing and Performance): Show object counter during csv import (ID2-4337)
  • Registration : Allow to set own initial password after registration (ID2-4186)
  • Registration : Create set initial password URLs and screens (ID2-4250)
  • Registration : Send activation e-mail to customer (ID2-4288)
  • Reports Improvements : Inform user about unsaved changes in Reports (ID2-4331)
  • UI Dialog+ Improvements: Allow editing of options in multi-select dialog+ attributes (ID2-3795)
  • UI Dialog+ Improvements: Add delete option to dialog+ modal (ID2-4314)


  • CSV Import (Fixing and Performance): Improve CSV import performance (ID2-4338)
  • IPAM - Manage IP Address Table: Change default sorting to "ascending" in network & IP address table (ID2-4178)
  • Registration : Log in user when they set new password (ID2-4289)
  • Settings Refactoring: Add new table component to user area in settings (ID2-3361)
  • UI Form Field Pulldown: Adjust Inline Edit specific keyboard controls for Inline Form Field Single Select Pulldown (ID2-1259)
  • UI Form Field Pulldown: Adjust Inline Edit specific keyboard controls for Inline Form Field Multi Select Pulldown (ID2-1260)
  • UI Form Field Pulldown: Adjust Inline Edit specific keyboard controls for Inline Form Field Single Select Combobox (ID2-1261)


  • Add attribute to category builder: Do not pre-fill time attribute in safari browser (ID2-4342)
  • API: Allow user to update object titles via API (ID2-4272)
  • Archiving Refactoring: Allow user to delete archived objects (ID2-4355)
  • Categories and attributes: Correct the number of categories displayed in the Settings area (ID2-4291)
  • Category Builder: Allow user to search for custom attribute values (ID2-4119)
  • Category Builder: Fix error when adding a single select pulldown in category builder (ID2-4349)
  • CMDB configuration: Do not close multi-select pulldown when user clicks checkbox (ID2-3943)
  • CMDB configuration: Do not allow user to remove title from item in CMDB configuration (ID2-3944)
  • CMDB configuration: Fix Hide option in mandatory system attributes (ID2-4301)
  • CMDB CRUD: Do not allow to change value property of category (ID2-4360)
  • CSV Import (Fixing and Performance): Do not keep tooltip on CSV import modal (ID2-3590)
  • CSV Import (Fixing and Performance): Fix CSV-Import fail if date fields are part of the assigned attributes (ID2-4343)
  • CSV Import (Fixing and Performance): Correct the feedback on user should any part of CSV import fail (ID2-4362)
  • Duplicate objects: Duplicate also custom categories during object duplication (ID2-4303)
  • Duplicate objects: Show duplicatable categories (ID2-4326)
  • Inline editing: Fix inline edit button placement and sidebar dimensions in saved filters modal (ID2-4324)
  • IPAM - Bugfixing: Show selected network section in view mode (ID2-4340)
  • IPAM - Bugfixing: Fix range selector for DHCP scoping (ID2-4341)
  • IPAM - Bugfixing: Show correct error message in network definition category (ID2-4353)
  • IPAM - Object Details Page: Add spacing between New Network Buttons in onboarding PopUp (ID2-4345)
  • Object search and filter: Do not show multiple recent filter tags in the searchbar dropdown (ID2-3791)
  • Presets: Make custom preset defined as default the default preset for selected class (ID2-3737)
  • Product Upgrade / Downgrade : Display correct success message when changing plan (ID2-4274)
  • QA Launch-check : Fix scroll container in saved filter modal (ID2-3894)
  • Types of custom attributes: Allow user to type in date fields (ID2-4283)
  • UI form fields: Fix styles in Calendar component in UI-Kit (ID2-4323)
  • UI Form Field Times and Dates: Do not fill date field with current date when pressing enter (ID2-3598)
  • Validation options in category builder: Do not allow the user to create multiple unique entries via inline edit (ID2-4302)
  • Validation options in category builder: Do not apply currency validations of an attribute to other currency attributes (ID2-4365)
  • Validation options in category builder: Keep required option in category builder after saving category (ID2-4369)

1.0.3 – 2023-02-13#


  • Login: Add Privacy Policy to login page footer (ID2-4236)
  • Product Plans and Feature Sets: Add net prices to plans (ID2-4203)
  • Product Upgrade / Downgrade : Let users understand what will they pay during upgrade of the plan (ID2-4205)


  • Inline editing: Replace the inline edit component with the one from the UI-kit (ID2-4032)
  • UT 20210317 Find, Create, Connect: Add medium toolbar to categories header and buttons in object details page (ID2-3395)
  • UT 20210317 Find, Create, Connect: Add large toolbar to object details page (ID2-3396)


  • Bugs - Create new object : Allow to create objects with long names (ID2-4160)
  • Cloud 3rd Party Login: Re-direct to login with "Access denied" message after a disabled account passes 3rd party authentication (ID2-4008)
  • History: Change wording of History actions (ID2-3581)
  • History: Show the documentation state for objects in History (ID2-3742)
  • IPAM - Bugfixing: Do not allow limited user to see overview of other sections (ID2-4113)
  • IPAM - Bugfixing: Allow to open in new tab action in network view in Firefox (ID2-4180)
  • IPAM - Bugfixing: Fix duplicate behavior for network objects (ID2-4181)
  • IPAM - Bugfixing: Add missing background on network segment dropdown (ID2-4183)
  • IPAM - Bugfixing: Allow to switch networks tab when statistics are hidden (ID2-4208)
  • IPAM - Edit Object Assignment / IP List: Show a single scope in bar graph (ID2-4189)
  • Navigation: Make all objects class string bold again (ID2-3416)
  • Navigation: Make Inventory menu button responsive to close (ID2-3666)
  • Object ranking: Do not highlight pagination when object state is adjusted from Object details page (ID2-3595)
  • Object search and filter: Fix the layout when there is a validation error in date quick filters (ID2-3727)
  • Product Plans and Feature Sets: Change Date column of the Invoice table to use created date (ID2-4201)
  • QA Launch-check : Disable "Show Results" button until a valid filter is selected (ID2-3861)
  • QA Launch-check : Do not open calendar while quick filtering date attributes (ID2-3895)
  • QA Launch-check : History filter fields should not move while selecting values (ID2-3898)
  • QA Launch-check : Fix focus state of button in restore object banner (ID2-3900)
  • Reports Improvements : Poor performance of the reports (ID2-3872)
  • UI advanced data table: Fix header gap and checkbox placement in UI Kit table (ID2-4214)
  • UI Form Field Pulldown: Allow user to click on a suggestion in the multi-select combobox if there is already a selected value (ID2-3796)
  • UI notifications: Do not show object name in modal headers (ID2-4166)
  • UI sidebar: Fix scroll bar overlap in Finder (ID2-3584)

1.0.2 – 2023-01-17#


  • Login: Change slogan on login page (ID2-4192)

1.0.1 – 2023-01-13#


  • Categories and attributes: Adjust styling of multi-select object browser field in multi-value category (ID2-3587)
  • Categories and attributes: Allow user to use date fields (ID2-4153)
  • Category Builder: Use single loading animation for Save and Fetch process on Category Builder (ID2-4152)
  • CMDB configuration: Do not allow to change title of predefined categories (ID2-4162)
  • Edit an attribute in category builder: Show line breaks for long text field in view mode (ID2-4144)
  • IPAM - Bugfixing: Fix IPv6 DHCP map range selection (ID2-4107)
  • IPAM - Bugfixing: Do not allow to enter IP address not matching to Network via Edit function on Network view (ID2-4164)
  • IPAM - Bugfixing: Do not allow to change IP Address of the assigned IP Address via Edit button on Network view (ID2-4165)
  • IPAM - Manage IP Address Table: Offer an option to expand IP range (ID2-3948)
  • Object ranking: Allow user to remove object with linked location object (ID2-4097)
  • Types of custom attributes: Show error in multi-select pulldown in edit mode (ID2-4086)
  • Types of custom attributes: Fix overlapping of error in multiselect pulldown (ID2-4150)
  • Validation options for custom attributes: Do not allow to set empty value for required text attribute (ID2-4149)

1.0.0 – 2023-01-04#

Initial release!