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Access the docupike REST API


docupike has a RESTful API following the OpenAPI v3 standard. HTTP requests must include the HTTP header Content-Type: application/json.

Versioning and support#

The API has its own versioning, starting with version 2. On major releases with breaking changes we are going to bump the version number. The previous version will be deprecated in favor of the new one and be removed in a later major release.


Most API requests require an authenticated user account. The preferred authentication method is to use an API token. Each API token is related to a user account. Therefore, it has the same rights and permissions as the user account.

Each user account can have multiple API tokens at once. You can manage API tokens in the Web UI at Settings > Users > <User> > Apps.

Auto-generated reference#

Each docupike instance is shipped with a built-in reference. Because of security reasons you must be authenticated to access it. The reference comes in two formats:




The reference is auto-generated and always up-to-date.